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Field of research

Digitization & security

The research focus on digitalization has long been an area to which the FHM has dedicated itself. The topic is particularly important for SMEs - the FHM is addressing digitalization as a permanent challenge for the SME sector, for example, with the renewed edition of the NRW Digitalization Index. The numerous research and development projects at FHM, which deal with the use of modern digital technologies in studies and teaching and also provide direct application benefits for our students, are also particularly noteworthy.

Our research focuses:
  • Industry 4.0
  • Digitization in medium-sized businesses
  • Working in the digital world
  • Cyber Security

Current projects in the area of digitalization & security

Digitization index of SMEs

Die täglich fortschreitende Digitalisierung stellt Politik und Wirtschaft vor zunehmende Herausforderungen. Die digitale Transformation erfordert etablierte Produkte, Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle auf den Prüfstand zu stellen und mittels IT-Einbezug weiterzuentwickeln, um langfristig wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.

Completed projects in the area of digitalization & security


The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has reignited a debate about equal opportunities, accessibility and flexibility in obtaining (online) higher education.


The digital age is leaving its mark on companies. Increasing digitalization is permanently changing the business processes of many companies.


The “Industry 4.0” paradigm has created new opportunities and new challenges for companies worldwide. In order to increase their competitiveness and efficiency, companies must face up to the digital transformation of production and logistics chains (smart manufacturing) and products (smart interconnected objects).

Situation report on economic protection NRW

Increasing automation and even autonomization in companies is making companies increasingly dependent on technology and therefore also offers potential attackers new opportunities. The risk of becoming a victim of white-collar crime is also increasing for SMEs.


The “Digital Agenda for Europe” initiative defines the improvement of digital literacy and skills as one of the main pillars and promotes the implementation of long-term e-skills and digital literacy strategies.


Nowadays, global and technical developments place many demands on every individual in many areas of life. For example, social participation as part of quality of life increasingly requires the integration of digital media into everyday life.


The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed digitalization even further into everyday life than before. The areas of work and learning are also affected - it is impossible to imagine life without the digital and virtual.

DNA Tischlerhandwerk

Mit seinen mehr als eine Million Betrieben, 5,4 Millionen Beschäftigten und einem jährlichen Umsatz von über 500 Milliarden Euro ist das Handwerk das Rückgrat des deutschen Mittelstands.

FHM institutes in the field of digitalization & security

Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Innovation Düren

With funding from the district of Düren, the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) and the British University of Gloucestershire (Cheltenham and Gloucester, UK) are establishing a joint institute for cyber security and digital innovation in Düren.

Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (IfM)

Das FHM-Institut für den Mittelstand (IfM) hat die Mittelstandsförderung auf regionaler, deutschlandweiter und europäischer Ebene zum Ziel. Angestrebt wird ein Standardsetting für angewandte Mittelstandsforschung, welches der Realität der mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland Rechnung trägt.

Excellent! Certified quality at the FHM.