Field of research
Education & Competences
Germany's schools need to become more digital. This concerns both the technical equipment and the qualification of teaching staff. The Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) has been active in research and development in this area for many years and acts as a consultant for state and federal ministries as well as within the Federal-State Commission on Education Chains. The FHM education expert Prof Dr Tim Brüggemann, who is responsible for the project through his work within the state initiative ‘Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss. Transition from school to work in NRW’ (KAoA), he contributes to vocational orientation at all schools in NRW. In addition, the FHM has already conducted various studies to support teachers in initial and further training. Based on this, various tools and support measures have been developed for digital change in schools. For example, the FHM has launched an app for the Ministry of Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia, which provides teachers with digital teaching materials in a modular system. The FHM is responsible for the project from the idea to implementation and evaluation.
Our research focus:
- Competences
- Vocational and academic education
- Digital education
- Employability
- Securing skilled labour & diversity