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Main topic: Research in the field of and support for the cultural and creative industries

The Institute for Cultural and Creative Industries (IKK)

The Institute for Cultural and Creative Industries (IKK) is an interdisciplinary, application-oriented research institute that is integrated into the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FHM) in Hanover.

The cultural and creative industries represent an enormous economic factor and, in terms of value added, significantly outperform other important sectors such as the chemical industry, energy suppliers or financial service providers. Furthermore, the strong innovation effects of the cultural and creative industries on other sectors are undisputed. The cultural and creative industries are a cross-sectional industry, i.e. an economic sector with horizontal and vertical submarkets. According to the definition of the Conference of Economic Ministers, the submarkets of the cultural and creative industries include, among others, the film industry, music industry, art market, software and games industry, architecture market, advertising market and design industry. Due to this content and the fact that the cultural and creative industries are largely made up of small and medium-sized companies, there are central links to existing and upcoming courses of study as well as to the strategic orientation of the University of Applied Sciences of the Middle Class.

In the area of research, the institute is dedicated to the most diverse aspects of the industry and also prepares studies or monitoring reports on sub-segments or the entire industry. In the area of teaching, innovative full-time and part-time courses of study are developed that are tailored to the specific needs of the industry. In the fields of consulting and knowledge transfer, a kind of competence center develops and offers exchange and consulting formats for companies as well as for public and private sponsors of the cultural and creative industries.

Institute's Management

Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger

Director of the Institute for Cultural and Creative Industries (IKK)

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