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Our Team in R&D

Research & Development - we are happy to help you

Dr. Henning Duderstadt

Business Formation
+49 521 96655147

Dipl.-Kffr. Marianna Gevorski

Head of Project Development & Coordination
+49 521 96655176

Elisa Goldmann MBA

Study advice: Doctorate
0521 96655260

Friedel Heuwinkel Landrat a.D.

Head of the Institute for SMEs (IfM)
+49 521 96655186

Aida Kniazeva

Research & Development
+49 521 96655132

Alana Lamberts M.A.

Research & Development
+49 30 259236327

Tomas Lengemann Garces M.A.

Research & Development
+49 521 96655167

Dr. Dr. hc. Hamid Mattiello

International Management

Prof. Dr. Metje Rocklage

Sustainability management and reporting

Charlotte Sandoval M.A.

Research & Development
+49 521 96655149

Dipl.-Kffr. Natalie Sawatzki

Head of Contract and Financial Management
+49 521 96655299

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schafmeister

Director of Research, City and Country & Mobility

Julia Tawalalli

Research Assistant Project KIDiHa
0521 96655155

Dr. Marc Vathauer

Scientific Project Manager STEAM4LIFE
+49 521 96655157

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Wittberg

Vice Rector Research & International Affairs

Mag. Olga Zubikova

Research Coordinator Digital Education
+49 521 96655270

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