Indicators for vocational training for sustainable development
Sustainable development is one of the greatest challenges facing society, to which Germany has committed itself as part of a sustainability strategy. In particular, vocational training for sustainable development (BBnE) makes a decisive contribution to this: here, skills can be developed that can be used to shape the world of work and life in a sustainable way in terms of economic, social and ecological aspects.
Objectives and Contents
The University of Applied Sciences of the Middle Class (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands, FHM) and the national research team jointly implemented the research project “Indicators for Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development” (iBBnE). The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The national project “iBBnE” dealt with the development of indicators for the fourth SDG “Quality Education” and focused on the sub-goal of in-company education, the core of which is the dual system of vocational training. The indicators developed in the research and development project are intended to operationalize the requirements for vocational education and training for sustainable development (BBnE) in the German sustainability strategy at the national level. The aim was to identify and develop indicators and indicator sets for VET for sustainable development in order to achieve four overarching education policy goals. The indicators:
- are used for national education reporting,
- are intended to make the requirements of the German Sustainability Strategy measurable at national level,
- monitor the achievement of goals in the national action plan and
- help to promote Germany's international pioneering role.
Project Results
Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (pdf, 10 MB)
Indikatoren als Treiber für eine Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Kristin Hecker, Marcel Werner, Sören Schütt-Sayed, Natalie Funk, Iris Pfeiffer, Barbara Hemkes, Metje Rocklage; in: Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung; S. 133 ff.