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EDUCON2020 – Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian speaks at IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference

FHM-Expert Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian speaks at the EDUCON2020-Conference about IoE- and IoT-Education.

FHM expert, Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian, has held three speeches by presenting his three articles which got accepted at the International IEEE EDUCON conference online on April 27-30, 2020.

He as, scientific director of the Erasmus + project "Internet of Energy / Education and Qualification" at the German FHM University of Applied Sciences, was recently appointed to the international program committee of the session entitled: “Internet of Things Education (IoT-Edu’20)”. The committee for this session were part of the " EDUCON2020 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference", which took place in Porto, Portugal from April 27th to 30th, 2020 but because of the global crises for contagion of Covid-19 the conference has been setup in online form. The committee members and chairs were responsible for designing and evaluating the special issue contributions. During this online conference, Prof. Doost Mohammadian has presented his three articles which got accepted at the mentioned conference as below:

  1. IoT-education policies on national and international level regarding best practices in German SMEs.
  2. The role of IoE-Education in the 5th wave theory readiness & its effect on SME 4.0 HR competencies.
  3. IoT-Education technologies as solutions towards SMEs’ educational challenges and I4.0 readiness.

As an expert in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Business (IoB) and Internet of Energy (IoE), Prof. Doost has introduced his new theory named the 5th wave/tomorrow age theory. The first paper deals with this 5th wave theory regarding German IoT-educational policies on national and international level towards best practices in IoT-education at German Sustainable Smart SMEs-4.0 and Industry 4.0 Readiness regarding best practices in German SMEs. By using IoT-based sensors in the energy network, completely new and more efficient business models for the business market can be developed. IoT-education technologies are bringing disruptive innovation in different sectors, radically changing the ways in which objects interact, are controlled and managed. At the second paper, according to the latest researches, many devices and equipment that are needed the implementation of Internet of Energy are now ready but surprisingly. These devices are now available; although, a small percentage of SMEs are taking privileges of the technologies' capabilities towards successful SMEs with high productivity. These researches show, poor growth of IoE-Education in SMEs is due to the lack of sufficient knowledge and skills in the Human Resources to apply the relevant techniques. Identifying and defining the competencies required to utilize these technologies and incorporate it into job competencies along with appropriate planning for Human Resources Development is one of the essentials of today's business. Technology development creates new opportunities for business improvement. IoE, cyber-physical systems, big-data, machine learning, Ubiquitous and AI are new techniques used in the Industry 4.0 that enable SMEs to better management of resources and flexibility to respond to the business conditions for the tomorrow readiness. In this research, the role of energy management and education in I4.0 and their impacts on HR competencies are investigated. It is important to make these IoE-Education technologies simple and user friendly for HR and public sector for facing tomorrow shocks in energy sector by motivating them with showing benefits. The third paper deals with using some theories and model toward IoT-Education technologies as solution for educational smart SME challenges and describes how these technologies are capable of recognizing challenges in edge of tomorrow and help leaders to find educational sustainable smart solutions for tomorrow SME 4.0 challenges. In this regard, we will see some case studies and analysis them as experimental fulfillment in the field of IoT-Education. The proposed paper represents IoT applications to solve educational gap on IoT technologies, software programming and hardware equipment. Smartness and IoT are new techniques used in the industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 that enable SMEs to better management of resources and flexibility to respond to the business conditions. One of leaders’ new methods is usage of IoT considered as an appropriate enable us infrastructure. It is an enabler for the intelligence appended to many central features of the tomorrow world.

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