Journals and books
- Editor-in-Chief of the journal Health Professions Education and Research (HPER), China
- Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Green and Low-Carbon Economy (GLCE) Journal, Singapore
- Associate Editor-in-Chief and Leader of Section Collections of Progress in Energy & Fuels Journal, Singapore
Editorial Board Member and Guest /Lead Editor at the following Journals:
- International Journal of Sustainability Management and Information Technology (IJSMIT - ISSN Print: 2575-5102 / ISSN Online: 2575-5110), by Science Publishing Group (SciencePG), USA
- International Journal of Sustainable Development Research (IJSDR); ISSN: 2575-1824 (Print); ISSN: 2575-1832 (Online); by Science Publishing Group (SciencePG), USA
- International Relations and Diplomacy Journal (ISSN 2328-2134), by David Publishing Company, USA
- Journal of Philosophy Study (ISSN 2159-5313; 2159-5321), by David Publishing Company, USA
- Journal of China‐USA Business Review (ISSN 1537‐1514) and Chinese Business Review (ISSN 1537‐1506), David Publishing Company, USA
- Economics World (ISSN 2328-7144, USA), David Publishing Company, USA
- Journal of IEEE Access, The Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal, USA
- AIMS Geosciences Journal, USA
- Culture Impact Journal | Culture, Netherlands
- SCIREA- Publisher of Open Access Journals: Management, Economics, Education, Energy, Environment, Philosophy, and Information Science & Systems Science, Safety Science & Technology and Traffic & Transportation
- Journal of Sustainability Management and Information Technologies, USA
- CSR journal, Industrial Management Institute (IMI), Iran
- Tadbir Monthly, Industrial Management Institute (IMI), Iran
- Journal of Management and Research (JMR), School of Business and Economics (SBE), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Pakistan
- Journal of Ekonomi hosted by DergiPark Akademik, Turkey
- Book entitled: ''Smart Cities for Sustainability: Approaches and Solutions'' at emerald PUBLISHING
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Sustainability Journal, Editorial Office, ‘’Blue-Green Sustainability and Tomorrow Shocks’’, (
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Applied System Innovation (ASI) Journal, Editorial Office, ‘’Hybrid SMEs' HR Competencies' Requirements for Innovative Technologies’’ (
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, Editorial Office, "Innovation under Restrictions, Hybrid SMEs and the 5th Wave Theory", (
- Member of the reviewer board of MDPI Smart Cities (ISSN 2227-7080) — Open Access Journal
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292; CODEN: ELECGJ) — Open Access Journal, Editorial Office, ‘’Internet of Energy (IoE): New Business Scenarios, Technologies and Applications’’, (
- Lead Guest Editor (Chief Editor) of the Special Issue of International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, Science Publishing Group (SciencePG), USA, ‘’Social Capital, Democracy, CSR, Hybrid Warfare: Excusing to Sustainability: by 5th Wave Theory’’, (
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI IoT (ISSN 2624-831X) — Open Access Journal, Editorial Office entitle: ‘’Future of Business Revolution by Internet of Business (IoB)’’, (
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Smart Cities (ISSN 2624-6511) — Open Access Journal, Editorial Office entitle: ‘‘Contagion and Tomorrow’s Cities: Theories and Hybrid Views by i-Sustainability Plus and 5th Wave Theories’’, (
- Honorary member of the editorial board of the IJBST Journal Group,
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of MDPI Urban Science (ISSN 2413-8851)— Open Access Journal, Editorial Office entitle: "Utopia and the 5th Wave Theory: Urban 6.0 as a Solution for Today’s Challenges and Tomorrow’s Crises", (
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, Taylor & Francis Group, entitled: "Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Evidence from Mena Region" (
- About 650 Speeches as Keynote speaker and Conference Chair for conferences/events/projects/workshops:
- 03/2023: A chapter titled:An African cultural study of proximity learning, competitive intelligence, cultural sustainability/synergy and 7PS model as an innovative infrastructure through the 5th wave and DCT theories”, at the Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group has published book concerned on “Competitive Advantage, Strategy and Innovation in Africa: Issues and Applications” (ISBN 9781032307190) ISBN 9781032307190, 208, Pages 29 B/W Illustrations, August 25, 2023
- 03/2023: A chapter titled: “A study of innovations and creativities as a competitive advantages strategy in the context of i-Sustainability Plus theory via an African cultural approach”, at the Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group has published book concerned on “Competitive Advantage, Strategy and Innovation in Africa: Issues and Applications” (ISBN 9781032307190) ISBN 9781032307190, 208, Pages 29 B/W Illustrations, August 25, 2023
- 2022: A chapter titled: ‘‘Mapping the Future Global SMEs Growth via Hybrid SMEs/SME 5.0/Tomorrow's SMEs Concept through the 5th Wave, i-Sustainability Plus and DCT Theories’’, The Emerald Publishing Limited has published book concerned on: ‘’Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Challenges and Perspectives’’ Vol: 29 (ISBN: 978-1-80382-296-9 and eISBN: 978-1-80382-295-2 and Book series ISSN: 1877-6361),
- 2022: A chapter titled: ‘’Mapping the Future SMEs' HR Competencies via IoE Technologies and 7PS Model Through the Fifth Wave Theory’’, The Emerald Publishing Limited has published book concerned on: ‘’Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Challenges and Perspectives’’ Vol: 29 (ISBN: 978-1-80382-296-9 and eISBN: 978-1-80382-295-2 and Book series ISSN: 1877-6361),
- 2021: A chapter titled: ‘’Big Data for Entrepreneurship Towards CSR and Sustainable Development’’, at the book: ‘’Big Data for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development’’, CRC Taylor and Francis Group in USA, eBook ISBN 9781003090045
- 2020: SMEs in Energy Sector - Ubiquitous Blue-Green Energy Management; Volume 1 Foundation1, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) – University of Applied Sciences – Bielefeld – 2020, ISBN-Nr:978-3-937149-72-1
- 2020: Global SMEs; Volume 2 SMEs 4.0 to Gain Sustainable Development Globally, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) – University of Applied Sciences – Bielefeld – 2020, ISBN-Nr:978-3-937149-71-4
- 2020: Global SMEs; Volume 1 Sustainable Smart Innovative Global SMEs, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) – University of Applied Sciences – Bielefeld – 2020, ISBN-Nr:978-3-937149-70-7
- 2019: International Project Management: A Focus on HR Approach in Multinational Corporations, Volume 1, MOMENTUM PRESS, United States, ISBN: 978-1-94944-938-9, E-book ISBN: 9781947083943
- 2019: International Project Management: A Focus on Value Engineering and Project Value Improvement, Volume 2, MOMENTUM PRESS, United States, ISBN: 978-1-94944-939-6, E-book ISBN: 9781949449402
- 2017: An Overview of International Cross-Cultural Management, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Germany, ISBN: 978-3-937149-65-3
- 2017: Principles of Strategic Planning, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Germany, ISBN: 978-3-937149-64-6
- 2013: Fundamental of Electronic Signatures & Digital Certificates (The Approach on e-Security), Dibagarane Tehran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-124-240-3
- 2013: Passive Defense Engineering in IT (Security with Electronic Prevention Method), Dibagarane Tehran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-124-270-0, it was celebrated on the 22nd Academic Book Festival for being the best book in the field of Engineering and a book “worthy of appreciation”.
- 2013: Interaction of Law and IT (The Approach on e-Commerce), Dibagarane Tehran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-124-267-0
- 2013: Principles of Systems Modeling and Simulation, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-79-8
- 2013: Modern Business and Commerce (e-Services), Dibagarane Tehran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-1242-81-6
- 2012: Information Security Based on Standard (Electronic Protection), Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-74-3
- 2012: Applications of Auto ID Technology in Industry, With a Focus on RFID systems, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-77-4
- 2012: Electronic Monitoring (Using Management Dashboard), Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-173-030-6
- 2012: Architecture of e-Commerce Substructure Infrastructure, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-60-6
- 2012: Management and Strategic Planning of Information Technology, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-61-3
- 2012: Leadership & Organizations with Charismatic Leadership and Characters Approach, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-39-2
- 2012: Information Technology Successful Giants, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-57-6
- 2011: Internet Engineering, Iran Industrial Research and Training Center Publication, ISBN: 978-600-173-030-6
- 2010: Data Center Substructure Architecture, Iran Industrial Research and Training Center Publication, ISBN: 978-600-173-015-3
- 2008: A Study of Models for Productivity and Measurement and the Selection of an Appropriate Model for Pars Oil and Gas Company (P.O.G.C), Fan Pardaz Publication, ISBN: 978-964-04-0712-7
- 2008: Principles of Passive Defense, Fars Iran Publication, ISBN: 978-600-5814-62-0
- 03/2023: ‘’A new communication plat for health profession education through the 5th wave theory‘’, at Health Professions Education Research (HPER) journal, on 31.03.2023,
- 02/2023: ‘’Promoting sustainable global innovative smart governance through the 5th wave theory, via Fuzzy AHP for future SMEs (SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs) ‘’, at Aims Geosciences Journal (AIMS Geosciences, 2023, Volume 9, Issue 1: 123-152. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023008,
- 09/2022: ‘’A literary analysis of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope (2009) towards sustainable development through i-Sustainability Plus theory‘’, at Aims Geosciences Journal (AIMS Geosciences, 8(4): 627–644. DOI: 10.3934/geosci.2022034 ,15 September 2022,
- 03/2022: ‘’Mapping the future sustainable, through the 5th wave/tomorrow age theory or theory of comprehensive everything with a focus on educational SMEs’’, in the 2022 IEEE conference, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), in Tunis, Tunisia, from 28-31 March 2022
- 03/2022: ‘’Smart Governance for Educational Sustainability: Hybrid SMEs & the 5th wave theory Towards Mapping the Future Education in Post-Covid Era’’, in the 2022 IEEE conference, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), in Tunis, Tunisia, from 28-31 March 2022
- 03/2022: ‘’Cyber Government for Sustainable Governance: Examining Solutions to Tomorrow's Crises and Implications through the 5th wave theory, Edu 5.0 concept and 9PSG model’’, in the 2022 IEEE conference, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), in Tunis, Tunisia, from 28-31 March 2022
- 03/2022: ‘’The Development of a Readiness Assessment Framework for Tomorrow’s SMEs for Adopting the Educational Components of future of I4.0’’, in the 2022 IEEE conference, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), in Tunis, Tunisia, from 28-31 March 2022
- 04/2021: ‘’Internet of energy: new scenarios, opportunities, challenges, and educational solutions’’, in the 2021 IEEE conference, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), in Vienna, Austria, from 21-23 April 2021
- 09/2020: ‘’A Multidisciplinary Study of Cognitive Warfare & Education in Covid/Post-Covid19 Era’’, in the 2020 Applied Research International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies & Education in COVID/Post-COVID 19 Era, in London, UK, from 30 September 2020.
- 11/2020: ‘’A multidisciplinary study of the 5th wave theory and the related theories and models in management and humanities’’, in the International Research Conference on Management & Humanities (IRCMH) 2020 BOSTON, 27th-28th November 2020
- 09/2020: ‘’Business Sustainability Strategies in Today’s Challenges and Tomorrow’s Crises of Contagion of Covid/Post-Covid19 Era: Education, Skill and Qualification’’, in the International Conference: Literature, Language & Education, Business & Management, Science & Technology Conference, in London, UK, from 30 September 2020.
- 09/2020: ‘’Urban Mobility Planning, Environmental challenges, and Digitalization-key to Blue-Green Smart City & Mobility as a new concept with Using the i-Sustainability Plus and 5th Wave Theories (Case study: South Korea and Germany)’’, in the 8th World Sustainability Forum 2020 in Basel, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2020.
- 09/2020: ‘’Sustainable clean mobility and urban planning - responses to sustainable development in social responsibility as a readiness for facing tomorrow’s world crises’’, in the the 8th World Sustainability Forum 2020 in Basel, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2020.
- 09/2020: ‘’Comprehensive Urban Plan and Mobility Risk Mitigation for Transforming to Blue-Green Sustainable Mobility to create Modern Liveable Urban Setting (Case: Global, Europe and Iran)’’, in the the 8th World Sustainability Forum 2020 in Basel, Switzerland, 15-17 September 2020.
- 09/2020: ‘’Digital Transformation in Academic Society and Innovative Ecosystems in the World beyond Covid19-Pandemic with Using 7PS Model for IoT’’, in the 2020 IEEE conference LWMOOCS VII, Learning with MOOCS 2020 in Antigua Guatemala, from 30 September – 02 October 2020.
- 09/2020: ‘’The 5th Wave and i-Sustainability Plus Theories as Solutions for SocioEdu Consequences of Covid-19’’, in the 2020 IEEE conference LWMOOCS VII, Learning with MOOCS 2020 in Antigua Guatemala, from 30 September – 02 October 2020.
- 06/2020: ‘’ Blue-Green Smart Mobility Technologies as Readiness for Facing Tomorrow’s Urban Shock toward the World as a Better Place for Living (Case Studies: Songdo and Copenhagen)’’, Technologies, MDPI, Published: 2nd of July 2020,
- 04/2020: ‘’The role of IoE-Education in the 5th wave theory readiness & its effect on SME 4.0 HR competencies’’, in the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 27-30 April. Porto, Portugal. 2020.
- 04/2020: ‘’IoT-Education technologies as solutions towards SMEs’ educational challenges and I4.0 readiness’’, In the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 27-30 April. Porto, Portugal. 2020.
- 04/2020: ‘’IoT-education policies on national and international level regarding best practices in German SMEs’’, in the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 27-30 April. Porto, Portugal. 2020.
- 03/2020: ‘’ i-Sustainability Plus Theory as an Innovative Path towards Sustainable World founded on Blue-Green Ubiquitous Cities (Case Studies: Denmark and South Korea)’’, Inventions, MDPI, Published: 26 March 2020,
- 11/19, ‘’Wars are fought for oil’’, Daneshenaft Magazine
- 11/19 ‘’Think Global and Act Regional’’, Free Zone Magazine
- 10/19, ‘’The usage of Internet of Energy (IoE) in Oil and Gas’’, Daneshenaft Magazine
- 09/2019: ‘’Sustainable Innovative Project Management: Response to Improve Livability and Quality of Life:Case Studies: Iran and Germany’’, Inventions, MDPI, Published: 29 September 2019,
- 08/2019: " Innovation under Restriction : Holding a Discussion with Giving two Innovative Military based Models, towards Innovative Sustainable Solutions for Challenges (Case study: Iran 8 years' War, 40 years sanctions and Germany after Second World War)" , International Congress on Engineering, Technology and Innovation 1st and 2nd of August, Darmstadt, Germany
- 08/2019:"Giving three Practical Innovative Models Based on IMP3rove and TRIZ in Smart Mobility: Key towards Blue-Green Sustainable Livable Urban Areas “, International Congress on Engineering, Technology and Innovation 1st and 2nd of August, Darmstadt, Germany
- 08/2019: "Global SME Management as Innovative Sustainable Practical Solutions to improve Sustainability, Quality of Life and Livability (Case: Iran & Germany)’’, International Congress on Engineering, Technology and Innovation 1st and 2nd of August, Darmstadt, Germany
- 08/2019: "An applied study of Innovative Models and Holding a Discussion about Sustainable Innovative Project Management: Response to improve Quality of Life and Livability (Case Study: Iran and Germany)", International Congress on Engineering, Technology and Innovation 1st and 2nd of August, Darmstadt, Germany
- 06/2019: "An Applied Study of Sustainability plus, Digitalization, Urban Planning and Environmental challenges –key to Green Ubiquitous Cities & Mobility as a new concept of Urban Living(case study: Germany, Denmark and Iran)’’, The 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environment Sciences 19th of June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- 06/2019:"A Study of Risk Management in Mobility: Key to Provide Comprehensive Blue-Green Sustainable Urban Plan Model to move to Blue-Green Sustainable Mobility in order to create Modern Livable Urban Setting", The 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environment Sciences 19th of June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- 06/2019: "An applied comparative study about the countries with low sustainability and high CO2-emission and advanced sustainability knowledge in Europe and giving practical models to improve and implement sustainability solutions ( case study: Songdo and Seoul in South Korea)", The 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environment Sciences 19th of June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- 05/2019: "Blue-Green Ubiquitous Cities: A Response to Create Sustainable and Low Emissions Greenhouse Gases Urban Areas with High Liveability and Quality of Life", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Humanities and Art (ICARHA2019), May 21. Venice, Italy
- 04/2019: "IoE – a solution for Energy Management Challenges", EDUCON Global Engineering Education Conference 9-11th of April 2019. American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE
- 04/2019: "IoT – a solution for Educational Management Challenges", EDUCON Global Engineering Education Conference 9-11th of April 2019. American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE
- 02/2019: " A study of Revolution Models and holding a discussion on Social Cultural Capital: Trust, Democracy and Velvet Revolution as excuses to Sustainability", 1st International Conference on Research in Humanities of February 2019, Rostock, Germany
- 02/2019: " Sustainable Mobility, Building Sustainability and Smart Cities: Responses to Sustainable Urban Development in Social Responsibility", 1st International Conference on Research in Humanities 14th of February 2019, Rostock, Germany
- 12/2018: ‘’University Social Cultural Responsibility and Ego Identity: A Wide - ranging study of University Teachers’’, International Conference „Innovation in Industrial Management and Engineering" 8th of December 2018, Melbourne, Australia
- 12/2018: ‘’A Cross - Cultural Analysis of Iranian and German SMEs Professional Identity’’, International Conference „Innovation in Industrial Management and Engineering" 8th of December 2018, Melbourne, Australia
- 09/2018: Buying time to reach the highest level of hegemony by energy, SRRNet 17th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and 8th Organizational Governance Conference from 12th to 14th September 2018 at Garden City University, Bangalore, India
- 08/2018: ‘’An Applied Study of Social and Cross-Cultural Analysis for Global SMEs' Professional Identity, (Case: Iran and Germany)’’, First International Conference ‘’Future of SMEs for Iran and Germany’’, 21st to 23rd of August, Berlin, Germany
- 08/2018: ‘’Ego Identity and University Social Responsibility for a Wide-Ranging Study of University Professors’’, First International Conference ‘’Future of SMEs for Iran and Germany’’, 21st to 23rd of August, Berlin, Germany
- 04/2018: "IoE - a solution for improving the efficiency of reversible energy", IEEE EDUCON – Global Engineering Education 2018“, Conference, Electronic ISSN: 2165-9567, INSPEC Accession Number: 17802890, Publisher: IEEE, from17. To 20. April 2018 in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
- 02/2018: „The Business Perspective of Cloud Computing “, “10th International Conference on Accounting and Management“ and „7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation“ 24. February 2018 in Tehran, Iran
- 07/2017: The Business Perspective of Cloud Computing, The 2nd International Conference on knowledge-based research in Computer Engineering and Information Technology, July 2017, Iran
- 07/2017: An Overview of International Cross-Cultural Management, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Germany, ISBN: 978-3-937149-65-3
- 06/2017: A comparative study use of renewable energy in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Cambodia, China and Iran, The 2nd National Conference on Accounting, Economy and Management, June 2017, Iran
- 06/2017: Financial Engineering and e-Bourse, The 2nd National Conference on Accounting, Economy and Management, June 2017, Iran
- 01/2017: A Tourism management model appropriate for Iran after the Sanctions, 1st Iran's International Tourism Conference and Related Industries Exhibition 18,19,20th of January 2017
- 01/2017: A study of E-Business Portal Services Models and Giving an Appropriate International Model for Branding HPC, The 3rd International Conference in Modern Finding in Sciences and Technology, 15 of January 2017
- 2012: A Secure Paper-Based Electronic Voting with No Encryption, First National Conference on Cloud Computing and Business 2012
- 2012: An Overview of Dispatching Systems in Oil and Gas Company of Iran, Payam NIPNA (National Iranian Petro Chemical News Agency) Journal 92 (July 2012): 23-25
- 2011: An Overview of the Concepts of Quality in Management, Payam NIPNA (National Iranian Petro Chemical News Agency) Journal 48 (March 2011): 14.
- 2010: Application of Industrial Engineering (with an Approach to Integrated Information Systems and Information Technology) in the Oil and Gas Industry, First Festival of Industry and Information Technology held by Ministry of Industries and Mine (June 2010) – Iran
- 2010: Applications of Bioinformatics in e-Services, Challenges and Solutions, First Festival of Industry and Information Technology held by Ministry of Industries and Mine (June 2010) – Iran
- 2010: Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Trade and Industry, First Festival of Industry of Energy Systems and Technology held by Ministry of Industries and Mine (June 2010) – Iran
- 2010: Artificial Neural Networks and its Applications, First Festival of Industry of Energy Systems and Technology held by Ministry of Industries and Mine (June 2010) – Iran
- 2010: Giving Mathematical Models (Bioinformatics Models) for Increased Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with (Different Techniques) Especially Creative Problem Solving, TRIZ Algorithm, and Provide Statistical Analysis, First International Conference Management and Innovation, Shiraz Iran, 2010
- 2010: Cyber Security: Crime, law, and regulation of electronic evidence, Tahlilgarane Asre Ettellaat Journal 2010
- 2010: Electronic crimes over time: the name of the virtual police, Tahlilgarane Asre Ettellaat Journal 2010
- 2009: Productivity Measurement in Pars Oil and Gas Company (P.O.G.C), Tadbir Journal, 2009
- 2009: The Strategy for Increasing Productivity, Iran Economics Journal, 2009
- 2009: Industrial Management, Iran Economics Journal, 2009
- 2009: Crisis Management, Crisis Negareh Journal, 2009
- 2009: A review of models for measuring productivity, Tazehhaye Energy Journal, 2009
- 2009: Principles of Value Engineering, First conference of monitoring organization (December 2009) Iran.
- 2008: Warehouse Management, IUST, 2008
- 2008: The Management Skills, Tazehhaye Energy Journal, 2008
- 2008: The Nature and Effects of Economic Sanctions on the Oil Industry of IRAN, Portal of Pars Oil & Gas Company (POGC) of IRAN 2008
- 2008: Economy with Sanctions‘ Shade, Opportunities’ Sun, Iran Economics Journal, 2008
- 2008: POGC Leading the Indigenization, Tazehhaye Enegy Journal, 2008
Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian steht als Experte zu folgenden Themenfeldern zur Verfügung:
- International Management
- Sustainability
- 5th wave/tomorrow age theory